Domestic commercial flight services are expected to resume after lockdown is lifted on May 11, Chief National Sanitary Inspector in charge of transport Sadvokas Baibulov confirmed on Thursday. Regular flights will start operating from and to Nur-Sultan, Almaty and the cities of Aktobe, Karaganda, Kostanay, Kokshetau, Taraz, Taldykorgan and Pavlodar, correspondent reports.
At that, airline managers must ensure that only employees who successfully took the COVID-19 test and wear personal protective equipment are allowed to work. This requirement also applies to passengers. The registration and boarding will only be carried out in case passengers provide a relevant certificate. Similarly, on-board catering officers will only be allowed to work upon presentation of certificates.
A pre-flight medical examination of employees implying body temperature measurement will be mandatory. When registering, boarding and alighting from an aircraft one-meter distance between passengers must be observed.
Before resuming regular flights, all airlines are required to check the air conditioning, ventilation and filter replacement systems on aircraft. There should be a stock of personal protective equipment, hand sanitizers and disinfectants on board of the plane.
During the flight, movement of passengers will be limited in the cabin.